Sunday, 30 November 2008

my lil sister made me watch this video on youtube. She says its "damn funny". its still loading on my laptop right i still don't know if it really IS as funny as it she made it sound to be. So if it sucks like hell.. don't blame me. blame ANIS! hahahaha

anis mentioned something interesting about herself today.

conversation btwn me and anis:

Anis: (making weird inaudible cat sounds)

Mizah: wtf man? stop it! u sound like a retarded cat!

Anis: i AM a retarded cat!

Nuff said. Told u my lil sister is weird. (thats what u get for calling me an animagus and saying im a PONTOT cat! HAHAHAHAHA! take that u beeyatch!)

and u guys wonder why i am the way i am. If u spend 18 frikkin years growing up with a weirdo sister you'd probably be just like me. heeheehee!

NB./ Awubah nis. you know i love you. im just playing.'s the damn vid. check it out ppl :)

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