Sunday, 25 November 2007

the two funniest videos EVER!!!! check out the 1st one...and then the 2nd one okayyy?? (the 2nd one is the translation) hehehe! :)

I LOVE the translation...

The dialogue:

Left: "hey"

Right: "what?"

Left: "ive seen this"

Right: "shhh"

Left: "huh, ass"

Right: "whatt??"

Left: "Nvm, eh!"

Left: " never listen"

Right: "Since when?!"

Left: "Since always....ehhh!"

Left: "Someone's coming,

Left whispers: "act like a cat"

*right rolls over and starts purring*

Left: "MEOW"

Left: "MeOwWw.......meow"

Right: Reeeowrr

Left whispers: "act real cute, he'll give us treats!.....Lie down!"

*slurping sounds*

Left talking while lickin: "gettin us treats yet??....gettin us treats??"

Right: "oh yeaa...keep going"

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