Tuesday 18 March 2008

ever had those days where you are just so bangang and indecisive about everything? ive been having those moments more and more recently. For instance, just yesterday..i was in the kitchen and opening the cupboard and was thinking of what i wanna have for lunch. Saw my pasta...and i thought "cool! id make pasta...havent had that in a while!" and i went on to search for the ready-made pasta sauce.... (whaaattt? its easier bahhh....hehe..and quicker :P - FYI, i know how to make my own pasta sauce, i just cant be arsed to do so)

and then i changed my mind...cause in the middle of going through the jars and tins...i came across baked beans!! and i thought maybe i should have baked beans with half boiled eggs since ive got tons of eggs in the fridge!

put back the pasta....and the jar...and took the baked beans out.

and then i remembered ive still got loads of prawns in the freezer and i should finish that before it goes bad. put the baked beans tin back inside the cupboard...took my pasta out and searched for the pasta jar again...

and then i remembered that i need to finish the eggs by the 26th...(i dont know why those eggs have an expiry date! barutah ku tau eggs ada expiry date tu....) so i proceeded to take the baked beans out again..

and then i was mentally slapping myself cause i realized how bloody silly i look putting things back in and taking it out balik2.

so in the end i just went along with baked beans.

talor eh

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