Saturday 8 March 2008

Volunteered for the Uni-Smurfity for the Bluebell Wood Children's Hospice today. and i tired. i had fun though.

Met up with the rest of the volunteers in front of the Student Union building...we get to choose which smurf we get to be. (didnt really matter though...we all looked the same except for the tag names we had) i chose vanity smurf. i think vanity smurf is the smurf that always had the flower and mirror with her. heh heh.

and then i had to get myself painted. they each provided us with this lil bag with the hat, pin and paint inside. so off i went to the toilet to paint myself. and daym! did i look scary all blue. remember mystique from xmen? yup. BERIJAB! haha. i didnt really wanna paint myself since i was wearing a long sleeve shirt...i was content on painting my face and part of my neck saja. hell i wasnt gonna paint EVERYTHING


waited up around for the rest to come but guess wat? most of the ppl who signed up was a no-show. so from 17...only 9 of us turned up. tsk...really bad of em to sign up and then NOT turn up. and they didnt even have the courtesy to call. tsktsk. was actually REALLY cold and windy by the time we got to the city when we arrived at M&S...the lady in charge from the Bluebell Wood told us that for health reasons..we should all go inside and wait till it stopped raining. so my task was to help ppl with packing their groceries at the till. and i actually had FUNNNN! haha. it was a nice shock to see all the old ladies get a fright when they look at me though. hahaha. *evil cackle*...they'd be shuffling

along in their flats...working their way to the counter...(where they havent seen me yet) and they'll be putting their stuff on the counter and ill go "hello! can i help you with your packing?" with a huge grin on my face.

old lady will go "oh!! i didnt see u there! yes dear...pls" while holding her hand to her chest,with a slightly bewildered look on her face.


there was this one funny incident jua. there were a whole bunch of ppl lining up in a queue..and this old lady that was about 2 or 3 ppl behind were asking the cashier..."so is that her name? vanity smurf?"

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! i cracked up when she said that. so i had to explain that we are with bluebell wood..and that we're raising funds for charity..and that they probably asked us to be a that we're blue...and they're bluebell wood. and that smurf is actually a cartoon..and vanity smurf is a character....with the flower on her head. hahaha. and she was listening to me intently and nodding her head.

waaaahhh~ lapas atu she was going "wat the hell is this blue asian kid talking about and when is she gonna stop yapping? ill just fake it and nod vigorously as if im totally getting what shes saying"


some of the smurfs had to actually go around the moor area and entertain ppl though. but get this..we CANT ask for money or shake our buckets...we just kinda be innovative and entertain ppl...and just let ppl give us money willingly. boy was i glad that i didnt get assigned to that task

tho. *phew*

we were given M&S vouchers so we could get anything to eat at M&S and then eat at the M&S staff cafe upstairs..wooOOoohoooo~ aku pernah masuk arah staff only areaaa~ haahhahaa.

Us before going to the city. Guess which one i am? hehe.
L to R: Me, Heather (couldnt wear it on her face coz shes allergic to it), (didnt get his name), Hannah, Annie, Felix, Daia (sp?)

On our lunch break

How the staff cafe looks like. not bad eh?

And you get free hot drinks... what nice fringe benefits!! haha

Fine lah...we'll take a close up pic so Daia could be in it as well :P haha

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