Sunday, 13 April 2008

the five day forecast for sheffield will be cloudy, heavy showers, heavy rain, sunny intervals and light rain.

*sigh* it's enough to make a person be depressed. i hate how the weather is this spring. if you can even call it that. it snowed heavily last week. its supposed to be spring!! helllooOooo? last year we were already walking around outside without our jackets. blech. this weather is such a tease. YOU ARE A TEASE WEATHER!! its playing us wet,cold and hot. i hate dragging my umbrella around to class everyday. although i must say i like my pink bubble umbrella. murah kamuuuu! 8 pound arah one of those ebay shops saja!! comes in all colours. hehe.

btw...i didnt even know there's a difference between heavy rain and heavy showers -_-
apakan tu?

right now im in the process of uninstalling and reinstalling my itunes. its all screwed up. it doesn't wanna sync somehow. iatah aku MENTAL. lei says its not the cable punya fault. its the program itself. so i have to reinstall it. im just peeved at the fact that i need to make all my playlists all over again. feh feh.

me and my housemates were watching a beautiful mind last nite. yes.. i know...barutah kami kan meliat after all these years. but daymmm! it was such a good movie. it was so moving. *sigh* KAMU MESTI LIAT!!

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