Thursday, 31 January 2008

I wanted to go jogging early this morning, but i couldn't cause it was raining!! gah! but im glad lah...cause it was really windy tadi, so i doubt ill have a nice time when id be wheezing cause my chest feels too cold. O_o

so i ended up falling back asleep. and guess what happened? i HAD A DREAM! a weird dream at that too. i blame Fish for my dream. hehehe. cause u see...we were watching one episode of psych the night before and the episode was about a murder at a spanish telenovela set. So i guess that's why my dream was oh-so-full-of-drama. the fact that i was watching really emosi videoclips on youtube didnt help either. the videoclips i watched? krisdayanti's 'cobalah untuk setia', ratu's 'lelaki buaya darat' and 'teman tapi mesra' - i also read the comments that ppl put for the ratu videos and apparently there was a love triangle between maia, mulan and ahmad dhani??! *gasp*.

*ahem* enough about that, lets get back to my dream. iatahwah, no wonder i had such a weird ass dream. ok ok, get this. i dreamt that i was getting MARRIED!! hahaha. i was supposed to marry some guy i dont even KNOW. and i was already in my wedding dress, and get this, my family rented the whole of empire hotel for the wedding (iatah,kaya banar, palui haha - eh salah, AMINNNNN~!). cause everywhere i looked at the hotel atu, they were all my guests (how do i know, antah i just do, its my dream ok?) but somehow i wasnt panicking about marrying some random guy, i felt calm inside. and i was just chatting with my friends apa before the whole ceremony started. and then that was when it happened.....

i was waiting in one of the waiting rooms when i overheard my future father in law (the grooms dad) plotting with the groom about how he's getting revenge on my family through me and how he's planning to make my family bankrupt etc. *GASPPPPP*!!! and i remember reeling in shock. (kalau dlm telenovela, sudah the camera focus brabis on my shocked face followed by dramatic music ni) hahaha. looked at the watch and it was 20 mins before the whole function is going to start!! OH NO! and i remember just running and trying to find my dad. and i remember thinking this marriage is suicide and finally realizing that i should just marry my one true love. (i have no idea why i didnt just marry my true love and agreed to marry some random guy, palui wah my dream ani). when i finally caught up to my dad, i told him that i dont wanna get married and that im actually in love with someone else. and i was apologizing how i made him spend a lot on the wedding. surprisingly my dad was really calm and cool about it and just said "ok". (gila, cool brabis bapaku ani hehe - and no, i wont tell who my one true love is, jeng jeng jeng, mesti stay tuned for my next dream if u guys wanna find out hahaha,mcm banar)

and then after my confession i was just chatting with my friends like nothing happened. unfrazzelled by the fact that some weirdo guy just tried to sabotaged my family. haha. and i even asked Rashie whether itll be cool if i ask my one true love to stand in as my new groom and if he minds marrying me at the last minute. Rashie just gave me a weird look and told me that 20 mins wont give a guy enough time to get ready to be married. so i just shrugged and said, "oh well, ill just get hitched next time then" <--- conDifennnnn aku ah. HAHAHAHA.

and then i woke up -_-

told u guys it was a weird ass dream. so what have we learnt from all this? do not watch a combination of emosi videoclips and tv before u go to sleep or ull end up with a bunch of screwey ideas for a dream. hahahaha. Me, Fish and Sai are gonna watch criminal minds before we sleep tonight. Lets see what kind of dreams my random head will think up of this time ah? Stay tuned tomorrow to find out. HE HE HE HE HE!


U know what im kicking myself for? tuuuuuu my R4 order ah. The manufacturer is not shipping anymore orders to this online retailer i bought it from. so after waiting for TWO excruciatingly long mths for it to arrive, the lil idiot said they cant complete my order and offered to give me a full refund. ur damn right i want my full refund back. *grumble* now i have to order lagi sekali. isuktah masa ku rajin mencari online shops lagi. grrrr. now ive to wait another 2 weeks or so before it arrives. *SIGHHH*


i know this is too soon but but excited about apa nah? abis and my whole bunch of classmates and also durang juniors are gonna watchhhhhh sweeney todd and over her dead body arah ODEON. yayyyy. cant waittttt...a well deserved break i should say. lamaaa sudah inda meliat movie. bah gonna shower and get back to studying :P so sheff peeps...andang print tah voucher atuuu...dua movie ni kan kami liattt! hehehe. aku pun andang print banyak2 ni. just in case ada urg lupa bawa/print :) but i cant promise that semua urg cukup niiiii~ ;P

Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Zyden took a video of me playing guitar hero last night. This was taken in their living room. oh oh, and the song that i was playing is one of my favourites! "Cliff of dovers by Eric Johnson". Notice how i did not notice that he was taking a video of me cause i was really concentrating? (yeah i looked really stiff holding the guitar..hehe) i think i finally realized that he was recording me after he focussed on me strumming. hehehe. TURN THE VOLUME UP so you can hear how awesome the song is! hehe. the sound quality is a bit crap though. (blame Zyden's LG Viewty :P haha). oh! and the big ass flat screen tv? that belongs to Jidin. That guy is so cuckoo when it comes to buying the latest techie things. tsktsk.

Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Haven't been blogging these past few days causeeeee......i slept over at Rashie's on a whim. HEHE. Well actually, it was more like me and rash were talking on msn and we were both BORED to death. so to get over us being bored, rashie invited me to sleepover at her place and i gladly agreed :)

Packed my things, and i took the tram to West St. We actually were planning to watch some Jane Austen based movie but somehow we ended up playing pool at her common room. Naseeq joined us for dinner and after that we played some more pool till late. Naseeq taught us some pretty awesome moves so from beginners, me and rashie went to mediocre. HAHAHA. it was fun.

Us before playing Nine Ball

From top to bottom : Me, Naseeq and Rashie

This is supposed to be a funny face pose so im thinking that's Naseeq's funny face? HAHA.

i love nine ball... O_o

Naseeq showing us how its going downnnn

Our mentor eye-ing my moves (oh, since its on top of my head - i beat him at one game...HAHA)

Rashie catching me pouting in action cause Naseeq wouldn't give me a chance at even taking a TURN cause he kept putting the balls in. damnit.

Me being really sleepy while waiting for Rashie to finish showering i think...

The chocolate fudge cake that we all gobbled down. YUM!!

Woke up relatively early the next day considering how late we slept the night before. and i was getting ready to pack and everything when zyden suggested we sleep over at his place cause he's planning to buy some disney cartoon dvds. disney cartoons. so me and rashie went over to the student centre first cause we had some errands to run for our dads. (need to find out the exact graduation ceremony dates so our families can book the plane tickets early). oh, and since we are on that topic, graduation ceremonies will start on the 21st of july. the exact graduation date for the management faculty is still not confirmed but the guy said it will be during that week and they will finalize the date late march. pls be informed accounting
sheffield-ers. After that me and rashie walked to the city centre to meet up with zyden. Went to Zavvi and HMV. Sadly they dont have aladdin or lion king. how boring is that? So Zyden ended up buying prince of egypt instead. but hey. i LOVE that cartoon. SIUK! and the story is almost the same to the one in quran. so siuk lah. reminds me of tarikh subject time ugama all over again :) After that we had to go back to Rashie's place to pack our things. Took pictures on our way back to Rashie's place.

Us at the water fountain in front of the City Hall

Me and Zyden

Zyden after showing his 'generosity' of tossing a 2p coin in the fountain. Ooo..big spender. haha.

Rashie. I moved at the last minute. DAMNIT.

Me and Rashie

Us at this war memorial monument at the City Centre

Same place, same pose...but a close up. hehe.

Played some more pool when we got back...just wanted to beat Zyden's ass at a couple of games. haha. played a total of 3 games and what was the score? Mizah 2 and Zyden 1. SCOREEEE!! hahaha. Beat him at both 8 ball and 9 ball. *Miz takes a bow* HAHAHAHAA.

Me putting on a hocus pocus so the ball won't go in. haha.

See the posture? the intense look? and yes, the stripped orange ball did go in. HAHAHA.

Lelaki frust. HAHAHAHA

Stopped by at Tesco to buy some snacks, rice and eggs before we went to Zyden's place. Watched Prince of Egypt and played some guitar hero after that. I AM OFFICIALLY ADDICTED TO GUITAR HERO. next on my list of things to buy once i get back to Brunei. GAH! can't wait to own it. My favourite songs on that game? Cliffs of Dover - Eric Johnson, Heart - Barracuda and Foghat - Slow Ride (yeah i know this song is the first song for the 1st stage but its LAWA!)

Woke up pretty early the next morning. Me and Rashie bunked on Zyden's double bed while Zyden took the couch in the living room (yeah, i hafta admit the lil turd is nice for doing so). But i still cant help but kacau him that morning and tukar-ing his msn nick to "so in love with my sayang <3">

Rashie in action. (Yes shes wearing something underneath. She changed from her jeans to her shorts ok? its just that her top is long hehe)

aku addicted...

I think i was winning here...can't remember

Me being depressed while waiting for my turn in the stolen hotel slippers...hehe

Still waiting for my turn...told u Rashie was on a roll...

Rashie menjampi-jampi the ball. Padantah manang.

Setting up the camera on a window sill cause we both wanted to be in the picture. HEHEHE.

3...2....1.... CLICK!! yayyy...sampat... BUTTTT...

I banged my left knee while i was trying to jump on the table. Oh..and its bleeding as well. Me howling in pain while Rashie took my picture. hahaha.

Saturday, 26 January 2008


i just took this test on facebook and its says..................

The order will be girl, girl, boy.

Ada lagi ordernya tu eh. GIRL, GIRL and then a BOY.

Ok lah..i don't mind that order. haha. Already have their names picked out anyways. KEKEKEKEKEKE.

okay, im gonna shower now -_-

Friday, 25 January 2008

"Beavis and Butthead". That just popped in my head one night. And then i started wondering why they don't show that on mtv anymore. I really liked it when i was a kid. So as usual, me being the jobless person i am..searched for it on youtube. And wadya know? they actually have several episodes!! awesomeeee~

This one's pretty funny tho. CHECK IT OUT. hehe. (The best episode is still about the beavis and butthead photocopying that dollar bill tho. i still cant find it. that was the best episode ever! its so good that i still remember it more than a decade later. old...)


But out of those two..i like beavis best. hes FUNNY!! haha.

Immigration boss: what the hell is a bunghole??
Beavis: YOU are a bunghole. And so am i. There will be MORE bungholes after me.

HAHAHAHAHA. he cracks me up.

Thursday, 24 January 2008

Name:Hamizah Suhaimi
Birthday:5th September 1985
Current Location:Sheffield
Eye Color:Very dark brown
Hair Color:Black
Height:157 cm. Yea im short. get over it
Right Handed or Left Handed:Righty
Your Heritage:Melayu Brunei
The Shoes You Wore Today:Not planning to go out today. Been in my furry pink slippers all day
Your Weakness:Spending money, Men who loosen their tie, Pizza Hut's Beef Lasagne and Haagen Daz's Praline n Cream
Your Fears:Heights, Reptiles, Amphibians, Failing
Your Perfect Pizza:Tuna Lovers :)
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year:Tone up, get a job, finish my degree with flying colours
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger:daymmm~, hehe, OMG
Thoughts First Waking Up:What time is it?
Your Best Physical Feature:my lips?
Your Bedtime:when im sleepy, i sleep. regardless of what time it is. hehe
Your Most Missed Memory:Bubbles :(
Pepsi or Coke:Cokeeee!!
MacDonalds or Burger King:Burger King
Single or Group Dates:It depends on the situation
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea:Lipton Ice Tea
Chocolate or Vanilla:If its icecream? i prefer vanilla :P
Cappuccino or Coffee:I dont drink coffee works too well on me :P. Can i opt for caramel cream instead?
Do you Smoke:hell no. i think smokers are gross :P
Do you Swear:in 12 languages
Do you Sing:haha. i love to sing. dont make me a good singer tho. haha
Do you Shower Daily:every morning and night
Have you Been in Love:once
Do you want to go to College:i am in college. hehe
Do you want to get Married:ofcourse i do. and make lotsa babies!! haha
Do you belive in yourself:when im confident yes
Do you get Motion Sickness:nope. thank god
Do you think you are Attractive:ofcourse. im vain
Are you a Health Freak:SOMETIMES. but other times? i love junk food
Do you get along with your Parents:yup. i love them to the core :)
Do you like Thunderstorms:during the day when im at home? yes. Not at night. And not when im planning to go out.
Do you play an Instrument:I play the violin terribly. Does that count?
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol:I dont drink
In the past month have you Smoked:Ew. can't believe u asked me this. :P
In the past month have you been on Drugs:Im a pill popper. wadyu think?
In the past month have you gone on a Date:Nope. Sad i know. HAHA
In the past month have you gone to a Mall:U THINK?? ofcourse i have. i love shopping.
In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos:Hmm...havent had oreos in a looOooong time
In the past month have you eaten Sushi:HAHA. i dont believe in eating raw food.
In the past month have you been on Stage:Hm. No.
In the past month have you been Dumped:haha. no
In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping:never gone skinny dipping. dont think i have the courage to ever skinny dip. unless its my own pool and no one will ever be around. MAYBE.
In the past month have you Stolen Anything:nope.
Ever been Drunk:i dont drink
Ever been called a Tease:lots. aku pengatil haha.
Ever been Beaten up:thank god no.
Ever Shoplifted:Once. not proud of it :P
How do you want to Die:In my bed. Old. While im sleeping.
What do you want to be when you Grow Up:A certified accountant who earns lotsa moolah
What country would you most like to Visit:Id like to visit the philippines somehow...
In a Boy/Girl..
Favourite Eye Color:I dont exactly have a preference...any will do. haha
Favourite Hair Color:black?
Short or Long Hair:Short pls. I cant stand long hair
Height:A whole lot taller than me coz i wear REALLY high heels to make up for my lack of height :P
Weight:obviously someone heavier than me. I dont want a 90 pound weakling haha.
Best Clothing Style:Hmm... i like smart casual. the whole collared shirt with jeans and white sneakers look. but then again. as long as the dude looks good. anything goesss~
Number of Drugs I have taken:too numerous to count. haha. i dont do weed tho..just pop all kinds of pills.
Number of CDs I own:Gee...a lot.
Number of Piercings:i pierce my does that count as two?
Number of Tattoos:inda dpt. but IF i can? id get a pink butterfly tattoo on my right wrist :)
Number of things in my Past I Regret:BANYAK. but the most would be letting bubbles out of his house on that fateful day. *sigh* :(

Came across this article on MSN. Read on...HEHE

10 Things You Should Never Say To A Woman

1) "What did you do to your hair?"
Unless we've cut our own hair—this is not common—someone else did something to our hair. It wasn't us. And most likely we've gone to a lot of trouble and expense for it. "I like your new haircut" is infinitely better, and shows you're paying attention. It's also far superior to the generic "You look different," which tells us you're as clueless as ever.
(Hmm..somehow i don't really mind when a guy says this. Unless he said it in a disgusted or incredulous tone lah. If he says it in a curious-like tone then it's fine by me. at least he noticed something different!! haha)

2) "They both look the same to me."
We understand you care a lot less than we do about the outfits or the registry dishware we're asking you to compare. But they can't possibly look exactly the same, can they? Give us something. Anything. Mentally roll the dice and pick one, so we don't worry about your vision—or worse, that you don't care. (This one has some truth in it)

3) "Relax."
A kissing cousin to "Don't get so worked up," this generally creates the exact opposite effect you're shooting for. When you say "Relax," what we hear is that you think that we're being irrational over nothing, and this makes us do anything but relax. (I hate it when a guy tells me to relax. Jadinya you think i am over-reacting?? I AM NOT OVER-REACTING. That's just how i FEEL about the current situation. <--- that would be the things that would be going through my head when a guy tells me to relax)

4) "I've got it all under control."
Ha! Famous last words. Refrain from using them if you don't want us to take fiendish delight in your getting lost because you won't stop for directions (if we're late, there will be fiendish fuming), or because you're missing a piece to your flat-screen television because you said you didn't need to read the assembly instructions. (I won't really gloat..unless! i told him to just stop and ask for directions/get the instructions and he told me no and won't listen, then maybe i'd gloat...but just a BIT. Not too much..hehe)

5) "You're not one of those feminists, are you?"
Yikes. Chivalry may be nearly dead, but saying this will drive the last spear through its heart. Feminist or not, a woman is likely to be offended by the question. Just be yourself. Be kind, open the door, offer to pay, and go from there. We can choose to accept or share in your generosity.
(this will be followed by one eyebrow being raised)

6) "When are you due?"
Take one second to imagine a woman turning to you and responding, "I'm not pregnant," or "I had the baby six months ago," and you'll understand why you should eradicate this question from your vocabulary. In one nanosecond, innocent—even considerate—curiosity can turn to deadly, if unintentional, offense. And there's just no way to recover from this one.
( u say this to me and ill slap you ah? unless ofcourse i really was like...5mths pregnant then fine. ill be happy to tell all the tales of my kicking unborn baby. but just be cautious when ANY guy asks a girl this..make sure she looks SUPER pregnant first before asking this question)

7) "You're being emotional."
In the heat of the moment this may be true. But unless you want your partner to become more emotional or get angry, you're better off keeping this observation and its off-limits follow-up question—"Is it that time of month?"—to yourself.
(Same reaction to number 3 there - KAU GILA?! PFTZ)

8) "You're acting just like your mother/my mother/my ex-girlfriend."
All three are problematic. An ex should be mentioned sparingly, and never in comparison. Why would we want to remind you of a person you broke up with? And come to mention it, why are you thinking about her? You see the slippery slope. Conjuring an image of our mother or your mother can be equally grating. We want you to treat us as individuals and not as mere products of your (or our) upbringing.

(OMG! i think this is the worst thing that you can say to a girl. NEVER EVER EVER mention anything about ur ex, or the girl u used to like or have a thing with - unless ur looking for the third world war, especially a jealous freak. just don't mention it ever. and my reaction would be similar to the reaction examples above)

9) "You complete me."
We've seen "Jerry Maguire" and most other romantic comedies far more often than you, and while we may (or may not) like cheesy movie lines, they usually fail in real life. We understand that the possibility of romance makes inexplicable things come out of a man's—and sometimes a woman's—mouth, but keep the compliments real and honest and sincere and say you love someone when you mean it. (i honestly wouldn't mind this one. i love being showered with compliments. haha - VAIN i know :P)

10) "Do you really think you should be eating that?"
Yes. She should be eating it. Even if she told you she's given it up. (This would be 2nd to number 8. This question would be followed by another question... "Why, do you think im fat?". UHOH. *jaws theme music* and ull find urself in deep shit)

There. All ten things u shudn't say. You learn something new everyday huh? ;p~

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

I have fallen in love and died in Pink heaven. HOMINA HOMINA HOMINA. I was just checking my email tadi and i get regular emails from Apple about new Apple software, products, etc rite? And the email was titled "Surprise your valentine with a pink iPod nano."

So u can imagine how jittery i got and i was clickin my touch pad like crazy. (lambat wah laptop ku ani)

And i was overcome with emotion when i saw this lil baby..........


U betcha it's love at first sight baby! *grooowrrr*!!!

LAWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! *swoon* Next on my list of things to buy. Right after i save up money for

- Biotherm Foundation
- Biotherm concealer (it works wonders girls, BUY IT!)
- Food and travelling money for my Paris trip
- My graduation robe (yep, my housemates are a good influence on me and they convinced me to buy my own graduation robe - we're gonna get reimbursed nanti anyway, so...)

Damn DAMN DAMN! i can't wait to own this baby. YOU'RE MINE!!!!!

Tuesday, 22 January 2008

Sat for Corporate Social Responsibility this morning. The 3 hour paper wasn't ENOUGH! GAH. We had to answer 3 essay questions and i spent too much on the first 2 questions that by the time i proceeded to my 3rd one...i only had half an hour left.

Damn time management! From this day forth, i solemnly swear that i will try my best to manage my time perfectly during exams. :P

Everyone else seemed to be complaining about that too. So im just hoping the examiners will be in a good mood while they are marking our papers so everyone can pass. AMINNNN~!

My next paper will be this Friday. My weakest subject - Advances in Financial Accounting. Sometimes i wonder to myself why im taking a degree in Accountancy...i feel like such a dunce in it compared to everybody else. Damnit, why are other ppl so smart???!

Woke up at 6am today and slept late the night before. Not a good a combination there. And not surprisingly, i pressed the snooze button when my alarm went off. 5 minutes later, the alarm went off again. How come 5 minutes seem SO short when you're taking that extra shut eye but seems soOooo long when you're waiting for your date? Ahhh..the irony.

Dragged myself out of bed and proceeded to get ready and make breakfast. When me and Sai went out of the house around 8 the sun was just rising..and the sky looked like such a pretty painting in pink and white. lawaaaa...wish i took a picture of it. And now here i am...trying to keep myself from falling asleep and waiting for my lunch to finish grilling. (popped some chips and fish in the oven - easiest way to cook, healthy too! hehe)

I figured since my biological sleeping clock is messed up. Id get it back by not succumbing to my sleepiness today. So ill be dead tired by tonight i won't have trouble sleeping. hah! am i smart or am i smart? hahaha.

*SNIFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF* i smell my fries and fish...time for me to eat! ciao peeps :)

Monday, 21 January 2008

I was just looking through clips on youtube while i was having my lunch tadi...and i came across this clip that says "americans are NOT stupid - with subtitles". and its DAMN FUNNY!! check it out.

Favourite parts are...

Q: Kofi annan is a drink. True or false?
A: Coffee is a DRINK!!

Q: How many world wars are there?
A: Three!!

Q: How many Eiffel towers are there in Paris?
A: I say about ten!!


Sunday, 20 January 2008

My last post has seem to attract the attention of some person dubbed here as "anonymous" on my tagboard. I cant help but think that "anonymous" there can't read properly though.

Cause you see...i clearly stated (in bold no less) that karma is a hinduism/buddhism belief. *ahem* Exhibit A.....

Exhibit A

Me saying karma *IS* from hinduism and buddhism. Even underlined it in red just in case ada lagi urg matanya bular jua. HAHA.

I almost laughed out loud when i read that he wrote *ahem* look at exhibit B. (how do i know "anonymous" is a he? i just do. we women have intuition that men lack - yeah i know, the perks of being a woman. haha)

Exhibit B

Yeah, we *know* that karma is a hindu/buddhist belief... i just said it dude. I copied it from the Oxford English Dictionary. haha. And the not for muslims bit? AIYAH. Another bular mata accident kah? After defining Karma, i went on to talk about KEBALIKAN. kami urg melayu punya culture...instead of karma...we talk about kebalikan.

E.g. Jgn malar kan mengucapkan urg buntak, krg buntak krg laki mu Dang. etc,etc.

And then someone also dubbed as anonymous..but this one is a SMART anonymous, and this anonymous went on to say i wasnt talking about karma in reincarnation. ALHAMDULILLAH. finally someone who has enough sense.

But u know what finally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD though? Mr anonymous there actually REPLIED. majal. HAHAHA. inda mau kalah lagi tu... hence..refer to the sentences i outlined in PINK. "similar but not quite the same. but do good and hopefully good will come to you". yeah dude. good will definitely not come to you. What a mean thing to do (not to mention rude). Posting up things like that on a girl's personal blog. Tsktsktsk. Shame on you.

Now what is the moral of THIS blog little boys and girls? Don't be mean. And when you have a nasty comment? Keep it to yourself. What's that saying? If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.'s another good one. Don't say anything if you can't improve the silence. NYAHAHAHA.

But hey...that was cheap entertainment. I was entertained for a quick 30 seconds.


A quick and interesting information for everyone. Do you know that you can click on the names on the tagboard and you can actually check their IP address?? haha. Hence. Being anonymous won't be so anonymous at all. Whoopsie!! hehehehehehehhehehehehe. So if you're using the same computer/connection (im not sure on this bit), chances are...your IP address will remain the same. *snicker*


Saturday, 19 January 2008

Karma: (in hinduism and buddhism) a person's actions in this and previous lives, seen as affecting their future fate.

I believe in karma. Apa ni nya urg? Kebalikan wah. Anyways, i believe that ive done lotsa bad things and been mean to lotsa ppl. Especially during my high school years. But by me being bad and mean can be very subjective. What i've done can be seen as REALLY mean to some ppl, but it can be not so awful to some ppl (and by some ppl i mean Fish or Frankie or something - they're EVIL - i look like an angel next to them).

What are the mean things that ive done u ask? Well to name a few, i haven't been THAT nice to some of my friends or acquaintances. I'll say things, or even do things that can be very demeaning to them. And sometimes ill do it without even realizing it at that time. And now looking back at those years and thinking about it now? It just hit me what a total bitch i was being and how they must've been secretly hating me and hoping id get hit by a truck or something. There was even a time i made fun and mimicked some random form 1 girl cause she had a whiny voice and i didnt even realize it till my friend Ena looked at me incredulously and i asked her "what??". She had to tell me what i did for me to even realize what i just did. Or how me and my accomplice Ena used to bully Hasrul just because he (used to) walk around with a handkerchief and Harrods bag? (SORRY HASRUL, but you hafta admit it was pretty funny hehe).

Those are just one of the many mean things that I've done. and i-am-not-proud-of-it.

and now im scared! i have matured (well at least i like to think i have matured) and i can't help but think that Karma's gonna bite me in the ass THREE-fold. :(

What if life is playing a mean trick on me? What if everything only SEEMS rosy and perfect now and its only a facade and it won't be long now till i find out that it's not as it is cracked up to be? It won't be the first time that this has happened. I thought my life was perfect then, and everything was peachy keen, but it turned out to be a shithole instead. What if history is repeating itself?? GAH!! im going crazy not knowing, I HAFTA KNOW! But im too afraid to find out jua....

Moral of the story little boys and girls? BE NICE. Unless the bitch took the last pair of the shoes that you wanted and it happened to be in your size? Then elbow the bitch and snatch it from her okeh??!

But yeah..other than that. BE NICE!!

Friday, 18 January 2008

Went out with Sai and Lei yesterday to greet Kaka Lulu and wish her congrats for graduating!! the Masters' Graduation ceremony was yesterday. So we met up with Rashie, Naseeq, Zyden, Ka Lina, Salwa, Nonoi and Ninah yesterday. Laila (our other senior) was also there with her family.

Feels good to actually get out of the house for a while. My otak was so BUNTU for being cooped up at home for a week. Ive been breathing in stale air for such a long time that breathing in the fresh air outside felt so....refreshing! hehe.

So after several photo shots later, we all went to Las Iguanas Restaurant at West One to celebrate. I already had lunch so i only ordered dessert lah :P hehe. Then right after that, we went to the Information Commons for a while coz Sai had some research thing that he had to do dulu.

Lutfi, Rashie, Me and Kaka Lulu

Me and Kaka Lulu. Congrats!!!

Standing L to R: Kaka Lulu, Naseeq, Lei, Zyden *tancit* and Me
Sitting L to R: Lutfi and Sai

And yet more pics..

Rashie taking her turn with the hat. Heh heh

Lilz joining us for the photos. Congrats BABE!!

Lilz was supposed to be throwing her hat in the air here i think. But i dont know why inda menjadi. hehe. (me taking a turn with Ka Lulu's hot - mau tia jua hehe)

One shot isn't enough. i want TWO!! Me with the grad hat. Insyaallah ill have my own this July. HeeHee.

With the girls. L to R: Ninah, Nonoi, Salwa, Ka Lulu, Me and Rashie

L to R: Nonoi, Salwa, Rashie, Ka Lina and Me

Apa ni? Rashie and Ka Lina saja yg sadar. I think we were looking at the camera :P

My dalengs!!

Ordering at Las Iguanas. damn candid photo. I wasnt ready here ;P

Ahh...much better. hehehe.

Aku rajin skajap. Reading the articles while waiting for my sundae to come O:) pina colada sundae :)

Outside the restaurant. Sampat lagi kan begambar tu. hehe.

EX-MS reunion. hehe. Lutfi, Rashie, Me and Sai

Everyone outside the restaurant.
L to R: Ka Lina, Lutfi( Ka Lulu's bro), Lei, Sai, Ka Lulu's husband, Ka Lulu, Rashie, ME!!, Zyden, Zaki (ka lulus bro) and Naseeq

Rashie and Me with the most annoying little brother u wish u never had. (He insists he looks like the godfather here, PRASAN kau ah den! haha)

Me and Rash gossiping at the IC. Photo taken by Lei. hehe

I think i look fat here. Rashie said im out of my mind. Antah ah babe. CHUBBY CHEEKS! i hate exams.