Sunday 20 January 2008

My last post has seem to attract the attention of some person dubbed here as "anonymous" on my tagboard. I cant help but think that "anonymous" there can't read properly though.

Cause you see...i clearly stated (in bold no less) that karma is a hinduism/buddhism belief. *ahem* Exhibit A.....

Exhibit A

Me saying karma *IS* from hinduism and buddhism. Even underlined it in red just in case ada lagi urg matanya bular jua. HAHA.

I almost laughed out loud when i read that he wrote *ahem* look at exhibit B. (how do i know "anonymous" is a he? i just do. we women have intuition that men lack - yeah i know, the perks of being a woman. haha)

Exhibit B

Yeah, we *know* that karma is a hindu/buddhist belief... i just said it dude. I copied it from the Oxford English Dictionary. haha. And the not for muslims bit? AIYAH. Another bular mata accident kah? After defining Karma, i went on to talk about KEBALIKAN. kami urg melayu punya culture...instead of karma...we talk about kebalikan.

E.g. Jgn malar kan mengucapkan urg buntak, krg buntak krg laki mu Dang. etc,etc.

And then someone also dubbed as anonymous..but this one is a SMART anonymous, and this anonymous went on to say i wasnt talking about karma in reincarnation. ALHAMDULILLAH. finally someone who has enough sense.

But u know what finally made me LAUGH OUT LOUD though? Mr anonymous there actually REPLIED. majal. HAHAHA. inda mau kalah lagi tu... hence..refer to the sentences i outlined in PINK. "similar but not quite the same. but do good and hopefully good will come to you". yeah dude. good will definitely not come to you. What a mean thing to do (not to mention rude). Posting up things like that on a girl's personal blog. Tsktsktsk. Shame on you.

Now what is the moral of THIS blog little boys and girls? Don't be mean. And when you have a nasty comment? Keep it to yourself. What's that saying? If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.'s another good one. Don't say anything if you can't improve the silence. NYAHAHAHA.

But hey...that was cheap entertainment. I was entertained for a quick 30 seconds.


A quick and interesting information for everyone. Do you know that you can click on the names on the tagboard and you can actually check their IP address?? haha. Hence. Being anonymous won't be so anonymous at all. Whoopsie!! hehehehehehehhehehehehe. So if you're using the same computer/connection (im not sure on this bit), chances are...your IP address will remain the same. *snicker*


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